Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fun in the Lake

And alas, no ear infections!

Cousins at the Cabins

Zeke & Catherine
No, for the record, that is not Catherine's outfit that Zeke has on

Sweet Potatoes on the other hand

Not so fanny friendly on the first trial, but much enjoyed by Zeke!

Head to toe!

Oh my Avocado!!

Mixed feelings over the avocado debut...we'll revisit later

Visiting Big Day Cakes with Grammy

and off the farmer's market!

Commando Crawling

Yes, boys, he has on a diaper. 
This picture was strategically chosen to limit how many baby hazards you can count. Anyone specialize in baby proofing homes??

Carnie Folk

Gearing up for the jungle gym


Zeke promising he won't rat out Uncle Daniel to Mommy

Daddy and Zeke Fortune Telling

Good thing they have ESPN

When In Rome

Grammy bathing Zeke in the sink on a visit to Hazlehurst

And We're Back

Just like his mama...wide awake one minute and passed out the next!