Friday, April 15, 2011

Tan with Uncle Dan

Uncle Daniel may be babysitting material yet. Daniel introduced us to the Scooby Doo ghost soothing technique. Simply make your most ghoulish noises, and Zeke will not only be endlessly entertained but crying will almost immediately cease. (Disclaimer: this has since failed on occasion, but I'm working on spookier noises.) Daniel also took Zeke to lay out and claim his free share of Vitamin D. Zeke being the child of two paler species may not be able to hang with Uncle Daniel for too long in the sunshine, but it was fun while it lasted. 

Does Four Weeks Equal a Month?

This was a topic of great debate during my pregnancy. To anyone who has ever given birth, four weeks logically seems a month, and the fact that this totals to 10 months gestation does not seem out of line at all. There were many naysayers though, contesting that pregnancy was only 9 months, and the time must be tabulated by the calendar not merely by weeks passing by. Needless to say, these making objections were all men, and I will respectfully withhold all names. 

Nevertheless, this past week, Zeke celebrated his four week and month old landmark! He is changing daily and often seems so big. But then I realize he is still our tiny little man!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekending in the Countryside

It may not be the south of France, but it is the south of Georgia. Zeke's first trip to Hazlehurst was fun for all. He met Grandma Great, smelled fried chicken cooking, helped Daddy sight in his rifle, watched some Bravos, and experienced a Baptist revival all in one weekend. Quite the introduction to all things Hazlehurst. Of course, Grammy scored Zeke some awesome John Deere paraphernalia to commemorate his first pilgrimage.

Heavy Duty Daddy Diaper Toolbox

For when duty calls and Mommy is on furlough, the Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox saves the day. Zeke and I have Great Aunt Connie & Great Grandma to thank for this addition to the nursery. Just so you know, Brad remains undefeated in daddy diaper wars. (And ps, Brad is a much better diaper changer than me!...does this come in a Mommy edition??)

Kit includes:
  • Patent pending Poop Poncho - need we say more??
  • Mask - toxic fume filter for when it doesn't smell like roses
  • Goggles - for protection against your own mini version of Old Faithful
  • Tongs - several inches of steel separation between you and the little warm wrapped gift
  • Hand wipes - to clean up afterward (for Dad's use only)
  • Turkey baster - for precision hiney washing
  • Baby wipes - for cleaning baby bottom and various parts
  • Ear/Nose plugs (clothes pins) - use with care
  • Emergency Formula container - doubles as a PeePee cover for WeeWee
  • Pacifier - scream plug
  • Diapers for newborn - cute as a kitten until it gets wet then it looks like a sewer rat
  • Bio Hazard bags and Rubber Gloves - for quarantine containment of the nuclear meltdown
  • Worlds Most Handsomest Baby - sorry not included

Dollar Dinners

Note to self: Avoid like the plague any type event where people may flock to attempt to eat their entire evening meals in one tablespoon rations...for a one dollar admission fee. Woah. Every bargain hunter south of the Mason-Dixon and east of the Mississippi was at the Augusta Common tonight cashing in on their opportunity at a one dollar meal. This was also Zeke's first Masters affiliated event. 

Zeke meets Deke at the 13th Annual Mayor's Masters Reception.